Back Office Software for Ruby VeriFone
Back Office Software for Ruby VeriFone

Inventory Control

Inmediate access to details of all products in price book, including quantity on hand, shelf location, selling price, last cost, average cost, profit margin, etc.

On demand listings of items short, at order point, in excess and inactives. Sales profit reports within date range showing profits in dollars and percent; Single or multiple Dep'ts; Detailed or Summarized.

Inventory value report by cost or price; All or by departements. Automatic price and margin calculation upon entering receipts.

Interface to Portable Data Collector for enhanced entry of Inventories and Receipts.

For additional Information, and pricing, please call:
787.261.6100 / 787.270.4990 / 787.218.9540 (mobile)

How to Connect Back Office PC to Ruby Register

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